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How I moved to PHP thanks to Laravel

Structure is one of the area that brought me a lot of pain while learning programming.

 If I tell you that my first language was Javascript, you'll understand why that's the case. I don't have anything against JS, I love and use that language daily. It had awesome brain-teasing mix of paradigms. Problem is ( as noticed by many developers ) that JS is lacking a good structure. It can especially confuse someone who is introduced to programming with Javascript as a first language ( like me ). With JS you are launhed straight into orbit of closures, prototypes, mutability and incredible dynamism.

That's why, in one moment of my career  I decided to move to some more traditional and better structured language. PHP was somehow natural choice, since I am a web developer. In the beginning ( while PHP was mostly procedural and represented by Wordpress and family ) I couldn't quite grasp it. I was a experienced JS commando that used to shoot with first class functions and throw objects around freely. So PHP wasn't a good choice at that time. And then came newer version of PHP that introduced support for object-oriented and functional  paradigm (a among other goodies ).

Along with the PHP transformation Laravel was born, and I was hooked. I had finally language and framework in which I can approach web development in the way I want ( and programming in general ).  So Laravel is responsible for my PHP adventure. And not just PHP. My knowledge about obligatory design patterns and whole object-oriented paradigm was missing some glue. Sure, thanks to previous experience with JS, in which I had to read about whole programming history and evolution of modern languages, I can flow between PHP code with no real struggle.

And of course, beautifully structured and designed Laravel is a joy to read without writing a single line of code - like a great novel. Class bases languages and frameworks like Laravel helps me to write better organized and more secure code - which is standard for server side applications. So my approach to Laravel is not just from the point of someone who wants to write web-applications and learn API. Through Laravel, I am making progress as a programmer, and I hope I'll be able to contribute to Laravel core soon :)

So this post somehow represents a long introduction to my future writings about Laravel internals, so stay tuned and thanks for reading.

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